After our arrival in Trivandrum, we realised we had a night to kill until our 10-day Vipassana Meditation Course held in the hilly outskirts. So, we spontaneously decided to spend the night at Kovalam Beach to relax, swim, eat seafood, raw pineapples and mangos and drink beer before our long abstinence.
The only “productive” thing we did we owe to our companion on this trip, Cyril, a freelance night sky photographer and Samira’s brother.
We used the nighttime for a “night-sky-photography-crash-course”. The beachfront and the “light smog” of Trivandrum were too bright for good night sky shots but we still got a lot of helpful information and tips. The results of which, you will hopefully see in some of our upcoming posts.
If you are interested in Cyril’s magical night-sky-photography, have a look at his Facebook-Page.
Cyrils’ photographs are amazing! I’m really excited to see your attempts in capturing the beauty of the night!