Making the Mandala Field

Why are vegetable patches always rectangular? It was time for a big circular garden, we thought. We are often asked if the design of the field has some special meaning or if it’s a symbol. The answer is more practical: we designed the garden in four quarters with integrated pathways in such a way that … Read more

The Making of Our Atelier

We moved into our Studio home in October last year and began immediately renovating the space into a workable atelier. What started as a hopeful idea of a three-month project, slowly morphed into a full year saga. There were many a night we had to gently remind ourselves that the journey is the adventure. Our … Read more

DIY Pallet Bathtub Flowerbed

We inherited an iron bathtub with the house which we gleefully pulled out of the bathroom to make room for a wider shower space. There was no way this tub was exiting the house down the staircase and neither were we going to push it off the balcony. So before anyone to could come up … Read more

A Year Gardening

When we set our bags down at our new “home” we found it came with a large, overrun garden. The need to connect with this land was almost instantaneous: there was no doubt that we suddenly wanted to care for the land and grow our own, organic food. Needless to say, we were totally inexperienced … Read more

DIY Bulb Vases

The Bulb Vase DIY

You’ll Need: Bulb(s) Matchbox / lighter Screwdriver Pliers Nylon thread Gloves Plastic mat / paper sheet We used an old 2-pin bayonet bulb and some clear/transparent 1mm nylon thread. How To: 2. Begin by removing the pins from each side of the bulb with the pliers. They are tightly embedded in there so gently wiggling … Read more

Ware Cart

Ware Cart Restoration

In Soufflenheim we unexpectedly found ourselves some second hand ware carts. They clearly needed some maintenance and so began the grueling task. To return them to their former glory we sanded, power hosed, and applied a much-needed coat of rust proof paint. Finally we even coated the metal rods with heat-shrink tubing to provide a … Read more


The Pottery Village of Soufflenheim

We returned to Europe and almost immediately set about procuring raw materials for our own studio. However, we were also looking for inspiration, ideas and even tools and/or equipment. Yannick’s opa tipped us off to a historical pottery village in nearby Alsace. Oblivious of what to expect we arrived in Soufflenheim to discover quite literally … Read more

Lamchung Tsepel

Ancient Pottery of Likir

We took a few (rainy) days to relax and acclimatise in Leh and soon heard of a locally famous pottery village named Likir. Undoubtedly as soon as the rains passed we packed our bags and hitched a ride to Likir. The old village lies nine km’s off the main highway and most transport drops you at … Read more