University of the Visual and Performing Arts

Colombo’s Art University | Part I

The University of the Visual and Performing Arts in Colombo has a beautiful Ceramics department that we had the luck to be introduced to by fellow potter, Amrita Puniani. Its faculty members are sincere and genuine peoples who were extremely accommodating. Intrigued by our story, they immediately began to advise us on the pottery related … Read more

Noborigama style wood kiln

Sweet like Kandy

From Hatton we traveled north to Kandy with the old British locomotive route once more. It is a pleasant little hilly city but our agenda was to travel outside of the city to its local pottery community living in Molagoda. As we journeyed west on a local bus headed to Colombo we began to see, with … Read more

Adam's Peak Shadow

Climbing Adam’s Peak

From Hatton we intended to take the government bus to Delhouse. While we waited for the bus a Tuk Tuk driver engaged us in a 30-minute dialogue that eventually ended with us succumbing to his wish of taking us there: but we made a good deal with the man. And as it turned out he … Read more

Tea Plantation Locomotive

From Tangalle we took a bus to Ella. We could have continued from Tangalle straight on to Kandy where we’d heard of local pottery but we wanted to journey across Sri Lanka’s hill country on the quaint locomotive we’d heard so much about. On the bus drive up to Ella we spotted a tree standing … Read more

Kaolin for Sri Lanka

We arrived in Hikkaduwa on a highway bus. Hikkaduwa is located directly on the sea and is a surfers beach where you are spoilt for choice with places to stay and eat at. We certainly felt grateful and thrilled to have both, our interest in clay and beach bumming, satisfied simultaneously. Who needs more? A … Read more

Hello Sri Lanka

The simple truth is that we needed to extend our Indian visas and so we went to Sri Lanka. We spent 3 nights in Gampaha District with a couchsurfer. Our energetic host insisted we see Colombo, helped us map out a generic travel plan based largely on famous Sri Lankan sights and most importantly provided … Read more